Tipsy Dentistry: The Vagus Nerve

We’re going to Vegas, baby!

And it's not for a bachelor party that makes you want to go home after night 1. We promise...

You won’t want to leave early for this.

A few weeks ago, we went to Fungal Funland to help you remember everything you need to know about candidiasis.

Pssstt...if you missed it, you can check it out here👇

Tipsy Dentistry: Oral Candidiasis
Tipsy Dentistry is going to Fungal Funland to teach you everything you need to know about oral candidiasis for your dental practice. From clotrimazole for angular chelitis to the organism that causes candidiasis- you will no longer learn and then forget

But today, we are talking cranial nerves...the vagus nerve to be precise.

📚Your Study Guide

What number is the vagus nerve?

Where does the vagus nerve originate?

Where does the vagus nerve exit the skull?

What are the contents of the carotid sheath?

Does the vagus nerve carry sympathetics or parasympathetics?

What muscles does the vagus nerve innervate?

What are the sensory innervations of the vagus nerve?

The Basics

Here's the thing: The smart people that make anatomy exams typically don't succeed in creativity...the same questions are re-packaged and recycled over. and over. and over again.

Which gives us a distinct advantage because we have a pretty good idea of what's going to show up on the test...

You will always see the big 3...

1️⃣Where does the nerve orginate on the brain?

2️⃣What foramen does it pass through

3️⃣Does the nerve carry parasympathetic, sympathetics or both?

We're going to get to those very important questions, but let's first start at the top...

Welcome to Vagus!

The Vagus Nerve is Cranial Nerve Number...


It’s easy to remember. A nice round number and also coincidentally the grand prize on these slot machines.

These people are going after a 10 milion dollar jackpot-which of course represents cranial nerve number 10....the vagus nerve.

The Vagus Nerve is Cranial Nerve Number represented by the grand prize on the slot machines

Where Does the Vagus Nerve Orginate?

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